Modern Stoves With All the Options!
Today’s freestanding heating stoves are available in a variety of materials such as cast iron, soapstone and steel. All types offer different fuel options including gas, electric, and coal.
Benefits of Stoves
- They can be installed virtually anywhere in your house.
- They can either be great zone heaters or larger stoves can heat an entire house.
- Today’s freestanding stoves have greater efficiency than ever before!
Venting a Stove
If you don’t have an existing chimney or fireplace available in your home to vent a stove, let Bantly Hardware help you figure out the best way to use a stove. Current safe venting options allow stoves to be installed wherever you choose. Bantly Hardware always makes sure that your stove’s installation is done safely.
Fuel Options

Gas Stoves
Quickly turn the fire on or off, adjust flame height and fire intensity.

Electric Stoves
Luminous fire displays that transform existing fireplaces into year long functionality.

Coal Stoves
Offering homeowners versatility, increased efficiency, and lower overall costs.